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Become an AHS Member!

With membership comes many benefits from the AHS National office, including invitations to AHS National speaker events, priority for dinners and seminars with foreign policy professionals, speakers, and guests at our Yale chapter and subscription to the Hamiltonian Dispatch, featuring weekly internship and job updates for relevant work in D.C. and abroad.

Weekly discussions about geostrategy, world order, statecraft, and grand strategy​, exploring today's global politics through the history and thought of the past.

When: Every Wednesday night from 6-7 pm

Who: Led by AHS's Salvador Gomez-Colon


  • Military history

  • Nuclear strategy

  • Space defense

  • Globalization

  • Colonization and culture

How: Reading and discussing fundamental texts, and hearing from renowned researchers, experts, analysts, and professors.

Nicholas J. Spykman Fellowship

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